ISO Testing Tracker and Artful

Brian Murray brian at
Tue Jul 25 18:56:55 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 07:08:32AM +0100, flocculant wrote:
> On 25/07/17 01:51, Brian Murray wrote:
> >[...]
> >[...] However, while doing that I noticed that
> >the test case changes I made in ubuntu-manual-tests did not exist in the
> >ISO tracker. I then discovered a script called
> >which looks like it'll update the ISO tracker with information from the
> >ubuntu-manual-tests branch. Is anybody familiar with this script? I ask
> >as it appears to be broken.
> >
> >"There is no form named "decideform" at
> >/usr/share/perl5/WWW/ line 1011."
> >
> >Cheers,
> >--
> >Brian Murray
> >
> I tend to update the tracker manually.
> I know that script is there - never used it.
> As far as the changes you made a while back not existing - pretty sure I did
> those when I saw your mp at the end of June.
> I now see you've manually changed something else on the tracker.

To which change are you referring and is there something incorrect?

> Up to now it's been better if there has been a bug linked to changes made on
> the tracker for looking backwards at changes. Mostly because it has been me
> single handedly keeping the branch and the tracker synced.

Is this process documented? About what project should the bug be

> I also note that someone else has been approving mp's - and not checking the
> whole thing - last time something was approved, it still needed fixing.

Could you provide some more details? It might help if we document the
process and talk about issues like this so we can avoid them in the

Brian Murray

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