ISO Testing Tracker and Artful

flocculant flocculant at
Tue Jul 25 06:08:32 UTC 2017

On 25/07/17 01:51, Brian Murray wrote:
> [...]
> [...] However, while doing that I noticed that
> the test case changes I made in ubuntu-manual-tests did not exist in the
> ISO tracker. I then discovered a script called
> which looks like it'll update the ISO tracker with information from the
> ubuntu-manual-tests branch. Is anybody familiar with this script? I ask
> as it appears to be broken.
> "There is no form named "decideform" at
> /usr/share/perl5/WWW/ line 1011."
> Cheers,
> --
> Brian Murray
I tend to update the tracker manually.

I know that script is there - never used it.

As far as the changes you made a while back not existing - pretty sure I 
did those when I saw your mp at the end of June.

I now see you've manually changed something else on the tracker.

Up to now it's been better if there has been a bug linked to changes 
made on the tracker for looking backwards at changes. Mostly because it 
has been me single handedly keeping the branch and the tracker synced.

I also note that someone else has been approving mp's - and not checking 
the whole thing - last time something was approved, it still needed fixing.

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