call for testing: ipfs snap

Carla Sella carla.sella at
Sun Jan 29 17:30:37 UTC 2017

On 28/01/2017 22:13, Leo Arias wrote:
> Hello!
> v0.4.5-pre2 is now published in the candidate channel.
> Please let me know if it works for you, or if it doesn't.
> pura vida.

I have installed ipfs snap without any problems on a VirtualBox Ubuntu 
Desktop 17.04 VM.
The only strange thing is that in the webui  on 
http://localhost:5001/webui there are no  peers connected even it it's 
about 15 minutes that it's running. Ipfs swarm peers returns a lot of 
them instead.

Carla Sella
email:carla.sella at  

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