replacing the Startup Disk Creator

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Fri Sep 25 20:06:12 UTC 2015

Den 2015-09-25 kl. 20:37, skrev flocculant at
> On 25/09/15 17:43, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>> Den 2015-09-25 kl. 18:21, skrev chris hermansen:
>>> Nio and list,
>>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:19 AM, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at
>>> <mailto:nio.wiklund at>> wrote:
>>> [stuff deleted]
>>>      Bug #1499746
>>>      Hi Chris,
>>>      Maybe you can confirm the bug for amd64 (and click affects me too).
>>> Done, Nio.  Also added a comment.
>>> For completeness I decided to try making a startup disk of 15.04, since
>>> I had one in my Downloads directory.  Somewhat to my surprise, this
>>> produced a working bootable USB stick.  This comment also added.
>>> -- 
>>> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com
>>> C'est ma façon de parler.
>> Hi Chris,
>> Thanks for adding those detailed comments to the bug report :-)
>> The problem seems to be that the Startup Disk Creator cannot manage the
>> Wily iso files, while other tools can do it.
>> I hope that Marc gets green light to go ahead and convert the Startup
>> Disk Creator into a cloning tool. I'm sure he can make it reliable
>> that way.
>> Best regards
>> Nio
> Is there actually anything that's hard evidence yet?
> Or are we still at the
> ... some people see some bugs in some way
> .... other people see the same bugs in a different way
> stage?
> Which is just going to lead to yet another bug report with a bunch of
> heat - but not actually going anywhere.
> I'm happy to comment - but won't do so while we appear to only have a
> small section of people with issues.
> If the plan is to remove persistence and see what happens then that's
> great.
> Unfortunately the existing bug will include people marking as affects me
> from un-supported releases of *buntu.
> Just to make that point crystal clear - if it isn't 12.04 (for a couple
> of flavours) , 14.04, 15.04 or 15.10 then it should be ignored.

Hi flocculant,

If you don't think it is a real bug, please try to make a working boot
pendrive with Wily, while you are running a Vivid or Wily system!
(Trying from Trusty, there is well-known bug ...)

Chris Hermansen was the one who first found this bug, when running the
SDC in an amd64 Vivid installed system. I encountered this bug in a live
Wily system (live-only, no persistence, made from a Lubuntu Wily beta2
i386 iso file).

It would be great if you can find a work-around or some environment,
where the SDC can make a working boot pendrive with Wily. Maybe it is

At least, that should make it easier to debug. Such a work-around can
also be added to the release notes and other help texts.

Best regards

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