replacing the Startup Disk Creator

flocculant at flocculant at
Fri Sep 25 19:45:31 UTC 2015

On 25/09/15 20:32, chris hermansen wrote:
> [snip]
> Well, that may be the case, but in the circumstances at hand, making a 
> bootable USB stick for Ubuntu 15.10 beta amd64 from an up-to-date 
> Ubuntu 15.04 amd64 system hardly strikes me as some edge case that can 
> be safely ignored by instructing the people concerned to use a more 
> mainstream procedure.
> Anyway.  I don't have a dog in this "let's replace usb-creator-gtk 
> race"; I'm just trying to do my Ubuntu QA volunteer thing and the tool 
> at hand is broken.  I leave it to you all to figure out whether the 
> tool needs fixing or replacing.
> -- 
> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com
> C'est ma façon de parler.
I see the same issues - don't misunderstand me. Mostly.

I rarely see issue with SDC as ~1 week after dev releases - I'll be 
using the next unreleased. I AM an edge case ;)

I'm all for getting this fixed - but if we start worrying about things 
said before (and are now not supported) we'll get nowhere fast.

For the record - I've given up using anything but gnome-disks. Which 
gives me a working tool each and everytime, from wherever and for 
whatever - I have had problems with other apps/coomands of one sort of 
the other since ~2009

Unetbootin used to be fine - now it's not.

I have no interest in persistence ever.

I've no interest in pushing dd to people who aren't aware of how to 
partition - the linux for humans mantra should be forefront in what we 
do imho.

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