Reporting bugs for packages in the ubuntu-manual-test

Elfy ub.untu at
Thu Jan 22 16:54:57 UTC 2015

On 22/01/15 14:24, istimsak wrote:
> Hello everyone. It has been awhile since my last contribution to
> ubuntu QA. Trying to get back into testing feels like stepping into a
> whole new world again. Questions I will ask and things I will do might
> seem a bit newbish to you. This happens when I lack effort.
> I was in the process of testing vino and remmina as these two packages
> are in need of testcases. Since I have never used these packages, I
> needed to test them to get a feel for how they worked at the basic level.
> Vino turned out to be a bit confusing. I learned this is the default
> VNC server for ubuntu-gnome. I an not using ubuntu gnome, don't have
> the hardware for it. I was testing it on my lubuntu laptop 14.04.
> The setup was not easy to configure or understand. It seems to be a
> server that must be executed from the command line. There was no man
> page for it. Online documentations were too brief and there are no
> other forms of configuration other than how a user connects to the
> server but not every attribute of the server, if this makes sense.
> During testing, I became more confused with this package. I filed a
> bug, not because it did not work, but because configuration
> documentation was limited. I wasn't sure what to do. Plus, I would
> think something installed by default should be simple for anyone to
> configure and use.
> What approach should I have taken?
> Istimsak Abdulbasir
Hi - whilst I applaud the effort to create manual testcases - would you
not have felt more comfortable choosing something that you were more
familiar with?

There are currently 15 tagged as Lubuntu - would you not be better
served doing those to start with, of course you do really need to do so
from the current dev release to ensure you're writing the test against
what is going to be tested.


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