Package QA Tracker

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Fri Aug 21 18:30:02 UTC 2015

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 4:18 AM, Pasi Lallinaho <pasi at>

> On 19/08/15 09:27, flocculant at wrote:
> > On 18/08/15 21:44, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> >> It can be setup anyway you wish. Historically it's been found useful
> >> to retain the results for an entire cycle at once for packages. When
> >> we removed older results, we got duplicate bugs and it was harder to
> >> see what had been touched and what had not. It would be interesting
> >> to have a discussion about how you want to use the tracker and what
> >> would be the most useful to you. It's likely we can make the changes
> >> you want without needing to make changes to the site/code. It would
> >> simply require a quorum among those who use it.
> >>
> > Or.
> >
> > Something not needing quorum would be to have to work like the image
> > tracker.
> >
> > Xubuntu have both types at our bit of that tracker.
> >
> >
> >
> > 64 and 32 bit refresh daily. The core package doesn't - just sits
> > there for a whole cycle.
> >
> > If we did that then one flavours preference wouldn't affect anyone else.
> >
> The package tracker can work in the same way as the ISO tracker already;
> you can add new builds per package at least manually. The problematic
> part with this are packages that are shared; you can only have one way
> with one package.
> In my opinion, if we want non-full-cycle builds, then the builds would
> have to update automatically and happen only when packages are actually
> updated. I don't think there is code that could do this currently.
The code to do this can  be seen in action on the debian installer. It does
technically exist, but I'm not sure it's something we want to pursue.

It's updated only when a new version is published.

> Instead of trying to change how the builds work, another option would be
> adjusting how the current data is laid out. I could see that a "version"
> field in the reporting form could get us to similar results as with
> fiddling with builds if that field was somehow shown in the reported
> bugs list. This would obviously need new code too, but updates to the
> bug list have been planned for a long time - this is easily done with
> those changes.
Indeed. Folks interested in solving some of the longstanding bugs, please
check out the bug tracker and get in touch here on the list. The site is in
drupal. The wiki has everything you need to know to get started (

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