Volunteers needed -- Automated Image Testing for flavors

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Tue Aug 4 17:12:21 UTC 2015

On 08/04/2015 10:40 AM, Shrinivasan T wrote:
>> I don't have experience with amazon aws/ec2, if theres something wrong,
>> please correct me.
> I have a  EC-2 instance.
> How to check if it supports virtualization?
> If you tell to run something on it and share the results, I can do it.
Shrinivasan, if you wish to try, 
https://code.google.com/p/xen-blanket/wiki/InstallOnEC2 seems like the 
way to do it. Note it requires and HVM. Looks like they use centos in 
their example though, and it's a quite dated. Hence my thoughts are that 
it's unlikely to be successful. I don't know of anything else that 
claims to allow nested virtualization.


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