Asking users to upstream

Javier Domingo Cansino javierdo1 at
Mon Apr 27 19:13:51 UTC 2015

However, elaborating, I see ok if the users are reporting bugs for
up-to-date packages, which do not contain important patches.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:12 PM, Thomas Ward <teward at> wrote:

> On 04/27/2015 03:10 PM, Javier Domingo Cansino wrote:
>  I have one more concern, closely related to that last one. Ubuntu is not
> a bleeding edge distro and because of that, development upstream can be
> affected by already corrected bugs. In Arch Linux for example, users report
> all bugs upstream but the ones concerning the packaging. This flow however
> is damaging (IMO) when users are served outdated versions of programs.
>  Debian is in the same boat, though.  However, you are correct - the
> workflow of upstreaming 'outdated' software version bugs upstream can cause
> unnecessary noise and disruption in the upstream bug trackers, and that
> should be a consideration point for this workflow item of "upstreaming"
> things.
> Thomas

Javier Domingo Cansino

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