Asking users to upstream

Thomas Ward teward at
Mon Apr 27 01:46:53 UTC 2015

Have you actually validated the value *upstream* from Ubuntu on this?

Just because on our side (in Ubuntu / Launchpad) we see no expirations,
means nothing.

On 04/26/2015 07:07 PM, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> As some of you already know, this cycle I have been performing an
> experiment where I ask users to upstream bugs themselves and see what
> happens.
> The idea has been that it's more valuable that is the affected user
> who speaks with the upstream developers instead a bug triager, while
> alleviating workload to these triagers.
> The procedure has been the following:
> 1. I say to the user:
>      Please:
>        1. Report to [UPSTREAM BUG TRACKER URL].
>        2. Paste the new report URL here.
>        3. Set this bug status back to "confirmed".
>      Thank you.
> 2. I set the bug status to "incomplete".
> 3. I add the tag "asked-to-upstream"
> (
> 4. I subscribe to notifications except comments.
> Just came to let you know that this has been quite successful. After
> doing this in 34 bugs, I only remember one or two that they expired
> due to inactivity. And even in this cases I received an email and
> reported the bug upstream myself. \
Expiration due to inactivity is not a factor.  What about actually
getting responses from upstream?  What of the individuals doing the
upstreaming, are they linking the bugs correctly?  Is Upstream saying
"This is not a supported version, update before testing." at all?  If
users aren't providing links to the upstreamed bugs, and Upstreams are
not saying "This is not a version we support anymore, you need to update
to our latest.", then we can consider it a success.

But relying solely on our status on this is a moot point - triage with
sending Upstream means we need to actually spot-check whether upstreams
actually want us to do this, or whether people are filing bugs against
versions of software which upstreams no longer support.
> So I wanted to suggest to include this as a recommendation in
> <>.
Have you actually done any of the spot checks, or checked to see if
upstreams (a) want this to continue, or (b) are not actually acting on
things, or (c) are actually acting on bug reports and moving fixes along
and making them available?

If you haven't done any checking on the *upstream* side of things, then
I don't think we can include this recommendation.  Not without spot


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