Introducing myself to the Ubuntu Community

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Tue Dec 9 22:30:59 UTC 2014

Nikola, hello! Happy to hear from you. Since you are interested in 
programming and are learning python, I would recommend learning to write 
some autopilot tests. As luck would have it, this week is the core apps 
hack days, Hop 
on IRC and say hello. The core app developers would love your help, and 
I'll be around too to help explain how to write autopilot tests, etc. 
Look at and branch out 
from there. Some good reading to do ;)

Looking forward to working with you,


On 12/07/2014 04:46 PM, Nikola Jovanovic wrote:
> Hello,
> First of all, my name is Nikola Jovanovic and I'm Software engineer to
> be, from Serbia. I do know programming in C, C++, Java, Assembly
> Language for Intel's Architecture 80x86 and starting to learn Python as
> well. I don't have practical experience regarding above mentioned
> programming languages but I do learn fast and I do want to contribute to
>   the community. I have worked in a team already and I like to look upon
> myself as one of the team members whenever I work with someone. Hope to
> hear from you in a timely manor.
> Best regards,
> Nikola Jovanovic
> nik_jov_92 at

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