Translations Help and Testing

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Mon Aug 25 21:17:32 UTC 2014

As we continue to iterate on new ubuntu touch images, it's important for 
everyone to be able to enjoy the ubuntu phone experience in their native 
language. So we need translations! If you've never contributed a 
translation before, this is a perfect opportunity for you to learn. To 
help with that, I spruced up the guide David started a bit ago; please 
feel free to edit or add on to it as well:

Grab your phablet device, emulator, or even desktop and have a look at 
the image with your language set to your native tongue (or something 
else you can understand). Look for holes in translations and report 
them, or even better, fix them by providing a translation. The guide 
covers translating and links you to all the core apps and indicators.

FYI, David also keeps a stats page for each language you can reference:

Happy Translating everyone!


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