[StartUbuntu] Discussion - How to get the best of StartUbuntu to recruit contributors to Ubuntu Quality

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 09:53:22 UTC 2013

Hi again,

I have discussed two important topics with Nicholas at the vUDS [1]. Both
topics actually meet at the end of the road. Both serve the same purpose at
the end.

Usually, we should have 3 main aims/goals:
1- Help with Ubuntu Quality: make Ubuntu and its official flavours as good
as possible by testing.
2- Spread the word of Linux and have New Users.
3- Have contributors to the community, not only New Users.

It is no secret that while everyone is busy doing his/her very best to
improve the quality, it seems that we keep forgetting about #3 which is
having more contributors not only have new users. I don't blame anyone here
of course, I am just saying what I think and I have discussed that at the
vUDS already.

StartUbuntu [2] is a huge community project that I must get the best of it
and everyone must do the same, IMHO. I was surprised that in less than
24hours, so many have joined and 3 different websites [3] (aside of the
Social Media) have published an article about it and two of these are
non-English speaking (one Dutch and one Italian) and soon, there will be

I am not advertising here about StartUbuntu :) I am trying to start a
collaboration discussion and work with all of you to recruit this project
for our own good.

How to do that?
Why should we do that?

   - The main goal/target of StartUbuntu is to offer Linux and here, we are
   using Ubuntu and all its official flavours as options.
   - Regardless of how many users will actually join the community, it is a
   matter of time until they find their way BUT NO DOUBT we must take them
   under our wings, otherwise, this is all a waste of time and effort.
   - The moment they start using Ubuntu and any of its official flavour and
   start loving it, that is the moment when passion and the desire to
   contribute to this amazing community will born :)
   - Here comes the moment when they will be confused and lost, not sure
   which path they will take? Testing? Documentation? Programming and
   Developing? Social Media? Support? etc.
   - And, here comes StartUbuntu who was first the project that offered
   Linux to them and showed them the way, this project will never forsake nor
   leave them alone.
   - What I am trying to say here, is to have a collaboration work between
   StartUbuntu Project and Ubuntu Quality Community to be ready and prepared
   to welcome Fresh New Users who are interested about Quality and Testing :)
   - Yes, it is too early to talk about that but at the same time, WHY NOT?
   I am very optimistic that we will achieve a lot and I am very optimistic
   that StartUbuntu will bring more contributors, not only new users.
   - Imagine if out of 100, there will be 10. Out of 10, there will be 1.
   If I have to fight for this only one New User who would like to contribute
   to Quality and Testing, I would do whatever it takes to achieve that
   because this one that we are going to recruit, he/she will do the same
   after few years and start a project and recruit more. THIS IS what happened
   with me.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I am thinking and planning a head and because I
am optimistic and want to be, I am sharing this with all of you and
thinking loudly :)

If you are interested to join this discussion, please be my guest and I'd
be very happy to answer any Q you may have.

If you think this is a waste of time and pointless, etc then I do respect
your opinion but for you to know, I'm going to do this with or without any
extra help because I have a vision and this vision will come true. Not
because I'm a superman or something :D but because, I have a passion and a
huge desire to spread Linux and I will achieve that. However, I hate to be
alone, let's do this all together.

"All of us are smarter than anyone of us"

Plan for the near future is a key success and ... this is, what we are
doing here. We are testing and improving Ubuntu for the coming release so
we are thinking ahead and planning ahead and working ahead. So, this should
not be different ;)

At your service!

Thank you for reading :)

[1] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQxoEhRgj8

[2] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu

[3] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu/Activities#Mission_Spread_The_Word

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>
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