Oh my god

Jackson Doak noskcaj at ubuntu.com
Sun Oct 13 20:46:22 UTC 2013

That was a bit strange, but welcome to the team.
Maybe you could try installing 13.10 since it's pretty much ready.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 7:40 AM, matteo sisti sette
<matteosistisette at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The Ubuntu QA team's website invites visitors to join the list and introduce
> themselves, so here I am introducing myself to the list.
> I am an Ubuntu user and I have been more and more frustrated by the
> exponentially growing unusability and unstability of Ubuntu throughout the
> last years. But I will focus on unstability here.
> Now I am astonished to see the point it has reached.
> I have installed a fresh new Ubuntu 13.04 on a brand new computer.
> First, the Firefox browser stopped working after updating it (simply via
> apt-get) and it turned out to be because ~/.cache/mozilla somehow got the
> wrong owner (root) rendering it unaccessible and preventing Firefox from
> reading the user profofiles and hence to work at all.
> But now, after a reboot, I find myself with an empty desktop with no Unity
> launcher nor system bar. None of the workarounds described at
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears/
> or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1212987 work.
> So after delirious usability killers (I won't mention them here as I want to
> focus on UNSTABILITY), after the impossibility to hibernate, after the
> impossibility to suspend on low battery, after random x.org crashes started
> to appear which would just suddenly log you out destroying all unsaved data
> at the blinking of an eye, now we have reached the point where you may just
> reboot and find yourself with a completely unusable system, roughly
> equivalent to one that won't even boot. Which means you are forced to either
> waste a couple of days googling for a fix, or reinstall the whole system
> just until this happens again.
> End of rant.
> Matteo
> --
> Matteo Sisti Sette
> matteosistisette at gmail.com
> http://www.matteosistisette.com
> --
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