Policy: filing bugs against Ubuntu packages instead of upstream projects

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 15:32:08 UTC 2013

If you want to help by triaging bugs and setting its importance, 
alternative you can do for the "One Hundred Papercuts 
<https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts>" project by joining the open 
"Papercuts Ninjas <https://launchpad.net/%7Epapercuts-ninja>" team. 
Since this project list easy to manage bugs 
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/One%20Hundred%20Papercuts/Papercuts> we are now 
testing what will happen if anyone can do triaging for them.

Regards ☕

El 29/11/13 22:17, Thomas Ward escribió:
> Forgive me for my comments, but let me backtrack a little on the email
> chain a little and make a comment here...
> I see that Ursula said there's a policy to get teams added to the
> bugsquad team if they're upstream teams.  That's not exactly correct,
> you probably meant "bugcontrol" based on the sentence previous to
> that.
> Let me make a distinction here, ignoring the fact that bugsquad is
> being merged into QA:  As the permissions layout currently stands for
> Ubuntu bugs, Bug Squad (identified as "bugsquad" by your messages) has
> no additional permissions beyond a standard user who is not directly
> or indirectly a member of Bug Control.  Bug Control (i.e.
> "bugcontrol") has the additional permissions.  Bug Squad is a group of
> people who are volunteer triagers, and they try and get bugs to
> "Triaged" state, but they actually ask Bug Control members to set
> Triaged and the importance.
> The distinction you need to make there, Michal and Ursula, is that
> "bugsquad" is NOT "bugcontrol", as they are separate entities, and
> that you would need "bugcontrol" access to set "triaged" or an
> importance.  I apologize if it seems that I'm nitpicking your
> terminology, however the distinction between the two groups as
> mentioned in your emails needs to be made, and I don't want to confuse
> the two teams when you discuss them.
> ------
> As for the issue where you can't set "Triaged" or an importance on
> ubuntu package bugs... I may not be "involved" on the Ubuntu Phone
> project, but I am a member of Bug Control, and a member of Bug Squad.
> One of the things I try and do is to help set "Triaged" and a bug's
> importance where needed for anyone who needs that help (and where they
> can justify the change in status and importance).  If you would like
> me to assist you, at least in the interim until there is some other
> solution, I can try and help by setting "Triaged" where necessary for
> the bugs, so long as they are: (1) against a package in the
> Repositories (i.e. "unity8 (ubuntu)" or similar as shown on
> Launchpad), and (2) not already set as "In Progress" with someone
> assigned to the bug (which indicates that person is already working on
> fixing the bug, according to typical bug triage guidelines and
> workflows).
> I tend to lurk #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-quality on IRC (and most
> recently, #ubuntu-touch but that's usually hiding under the many other
> channels i'm joined to) if you need to reach me (nickserv account is
> "teward", my current username is "TheLordOfTime" though), but email
> works too.  At least, until, you solve the issue of one or a handful
> of people working on the project getting the access to do so.
> (As well, other bugcontrollers are in #ubuntu-bugs and are willing to
> set statuses and importance where needed, under the same condition
> that you should be able to support the change in status an importance.
>   If you ask in #ubuntu-bugs and probably a few other channels, someone
> will probably eventually help you set "Triaged" and the bug's
> importance.)
> ------
> Thomas
> LP: ~teward
> (this message was sent to ubuntu-quality, ubuntu-phone, and
> ubuntu-devel, however it will need approval to be posted to -phone and
> -devel.  this message should automatically appear on -quality)
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Michał Sawicz
> <michal.sawicz at canonical.com> wrote:
>> On 27.11.2013 19:06, Ursula Junque wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Michał Sawicz
>>> <michal.sawicz at canonical.com <mailto:michal.sawicz at canonical.com>> wrote:
>>>      I just tried to file a bug against Ubuntu (unity8)¹, unfortunately I
>>>      can't set the status to 'Triaged', or decide the importance. So,
>>>      well... I can't triage Ubuntu (unity8) bugs.
>>> According to ogra this can be solved by adding your team to the
>>> bugcontrol team. There's a policy in place that allows teams to be added
>>> to the bugsquad one, if they're upstreams. Ogra, please enlighten us. :)
>> Right, I'm just not really comfortable with using a bucket approach, where
>> suddenly all of us are bugsquad members. Thought membership in that team had
>> some purpose, which it would, more or less, lose this way.
>>>      AFAICT, we also don't get notified about new Ubuntu (unity8) bugs,
>>>      even though I added a subscription for my team².
>>> I'm the only person subscribed to the ~touch-packages team and I get ALL
>>> EMAILS (it's a lot!). Maybe check the unity8 team email's settings to
>>> see if you are set to receive emails or if that's disabled for you
>>> (AFAIK being subscribed != receiving emails).
>> I even successfully sent (and received) a test e-mail via "contact this
>> team". Not sure what else I can try, but we're definitely subscribed to
>> open/close emails, but we're not getting them :/
>>> I believe that being added to the bugsquad team will only give you
>>> permissions to triage Ubuntu bugs. Not sure if that's a problem for our
>>> upstreams, is it?
>> Sure, that's still an approach I'm not entirely happy with, but hey - if
>> whoever manages bugsquad says it's ok to throw everyone in there - not my
>> call.
>> --
>> Michał (Saviq) Sawicz <michal.sawicz at canonical.com>
>> Canonical Services Ltd.
>> --
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