QA/ISO testing talk, demo or workshop at UCubed in Manchest on 21st April

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Tue Mar 19 16:36:35 UTC 2013

Hi Chris,

I'm hoping that some one hasn't moved Manchester from the North-West of
England to the North-East without letting me know!

I'm the QA / Iso guy for lubuntu, but obviously ISO testing is the same
across all the flavours. I'd be happy to come along and cover as much as
possible. My 'rough' schedule for such would be a presentation based on the
recent class room sessions we held [1]. Please let me know your views.



On 19 March 2013 15:23, Chris Wilson <notgary at> wrote:

> Hey there,
> The annual Ubuntu and upstream unconference in Manchetser, UK is currently
> being organised for 21st April, and we were wondering if anyone who knew
> about QA and ISO testing would be available to come along on the day to
> give a talk/demo or hold a workshop on the subject.
> We're organising it to have two tracks - a community focused one and a
> technical/contributor focused one - and we'd like to cover as many area
> of contribution as possible, which includes ISO testing.
> Is there anyone on this list who would be available in the North-East of
> England on that day, and if not, do you know of anyone who'd be able to
> help us out?
>  Thanks,
> Chris
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