Hackfest planning

Javier P.L. chilicuil at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 14 09:32:08 UTC 2013

On 13/03/13 at 06:41pm, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> I know we're all knee deep in testing this week, but I would like to
> talk about planning for our next hackfest. We've done 3 so far this
> cycle, and I'd like to squeeze in one more if we can before beta2
> testing.
> I'd love to hear preferred days/times, what you'd like to see
> covered / format (IRC vs g+ vs ?), etc. I'd like to see manual and
> automated tests being written and hacked on as part of the 'fest.
> Now is the time to get your feedback in :-)
> To give you something concrete to work against, here's my thoughts
> on how I would run the fest.
> We'll pick a 2-4? hour window on IRC on freenode in #ubuntu-quality
> We'll encourage pending open bugs, aka, needed cases, to be try and
> closed as part of the fest
> We'll commit and merge everything possible at the end of the fest
> We'll celebrate with virtual party supplies once complete :-)

Cool, I'd like to see it for 1 full day instead of some specific hours, it works
better for me at weekends but I don't expect other persons to be as antisocial
as me =)

In my opinion I think it could follow the same format as the Ubuntu Bug day[0],
which means a list of todo items should be generated somewhere (probably the
wiki) and everyone could be able work on the ones that they want. In such format
I'd like to see extra help on #ubuntu-quality, I mean, I've always been able to
find help in there when needed, however I think it'd great if quality members
could commit to be in there at specific hours depending of their time zones so
voluntaries can find specially welcoming quality members waiting for them.

Just my 2 cents, I'm looking forward for participating =)

[0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay
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