QATracker Survey: Time for a new look?

John Kim johnkim.ubuntu at
Thu Jun 20 01:13:29 UTC 2013

I think it looks fantastic.  I would prefer to look at a testcase without
having to open it up.

John Kim

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Nicholas Skaggs <
nicholas.skaggs at> wrote:

>  From the wiki,, "The QATracker
> is the master repository for all our our testing within ubuntu QA. It holds
> our testcases, records our results, and helps coordinate our testing
> events."
> Indeed we utilize the tracker for much of our work it's a very important
> tool for executing our tests, sharing results and bugs, etc. As such it's
> always a good idea to think about how the tool functions and works. Pasi,
> aka knome, has put together some mockups on how we might be able to switch
> what the results page looks like. This is perhaps the most utilized page of
> the site, so without further ado, here's the mockups:
> old:
> new:
> What a change eh? The add test results has been moved to the sidebar and
> simplified, the bugs listing has been written out, and the results have
> been moved to the top. Finally the links have also been moved to the
> sidebar and Pasi has updated the icons ;-)
> SO, what does everyone think about the changes?
> In addition there's a survey on your overall thoughts of the QATracker:
> Have a read and share your thoughts here:
> Cheers,
> Nicholas
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John Kim
Ubuntu / Lubuntu user
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