
Sergio Meneses sergioandresmeneses at
Thu Feb 21 02:50:47 UTC 2013

Welcome on board Tony!

Sergio Meneses
Linux User: #478743
Ubuntu User: #24056

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Nicholas Skaggs <
nicholas.skaggs at> wrote:

> Wonderful to hear from you Tony! Since you've been lurking, I'll spare you
> posting links to everything :-) Instead, I'll encourage you to dive into
> something. Which activities interested you? You interested in hardware or
> software testing? Writing testcases, or even writing automated tests? Let
> us know, and we can all help.
> In addition, hopping on IRC, even for a few mins while your testing can
> make a big difference.
> You can chat with others, and get realtime help and support. If you click
> the link above, you don't even need to worry about configuring an IRC
> client :-)
> Thanks,
> Nicholas
> On 02/18/2013 09:57 AM, Tony wrote:
>> New guy on the block here, actually I've been on this list for a long
>> time but never quite engaged. I have a bit more motivation (and time) now
>> and have been reading through all the materials, videos, and such. They are
>> well done and very helpful! Looking forward to getting involved.
>> Tony
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