Fwd: Pre-release of Ubuntu 12.04.2 available for Laptop Testing!

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Tue Feb 12 15:22:08 UTC 2013

The URL to take you straight into the tests is here:


I somehow missed it in the email below, maybe you did too :-)


On 02/12/2013 03:35 AM, Sergio Zanchetta wrote:
> Sorry, I sent it to the wrong QA ML address.
> Here it is!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sergio Zanchetta <primes2h at ubuntu.com>
> Date: 2013/2/12
> Subject: Pre-release of Ubuntu 12.04.2 available for Laptop Testing!
> To: ubuntu-laptop-testing at lists.launchpad.net, Ubuntu QA
> <ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Hi all!
> The second point release of Precise is going to be released on
> Thursday, providing a new X stack and kernel.
> You now have the opportunity to test a pre-release of the 12.04.02 on
> your laptop and so we ask everyone on the QA and Laptop team to give a
> hand in doing this.
> Your help in testing on "real hardware" is very important and the
> earlier you do so, the better.
> Post your test results on the Laptop tracker [1] and report any
> bug you'll find on Launchpad and then on the tracker as
> usual.
> The complete procedures are explained on
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop/Procedures
> Please let us know if you have any questions, we will coordinate
> testing in #ubuntu-testing on freenode.
> Thank you very much for your help happy testing! :-)
> *****IMPORTANT INFORMATION for those subscribed for email notification
> about new available images.
> *****You need to subscribe yourself again for it in the laptop tracker
> because now we are using the new testcase suites provided by the
> tracker itself. Otherwise you won't be automatically notified for
> future laptop testing.
> [1] http://laptop.qa.ubuntu.com/
> --
> Sergio Zanchetta
> https://launchpad.net/~primes2h

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