Changes to wiki page Bugs/Importance

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Fri Dec 6 19:05:26 UTC 2013

Why I *changed pages* without asking
- Because I guess letting people make changes and discussing only those 
on which we don't agree makes *further progress*, further than speaking 
everything before hand. And if there's no consensus letting other's 
opinion to prevail.

When I'm *reverting* the page to the version previous to my editions
- When some members of Ubuntu Quality formally disagree with the 
previous *methodology*, and I'll understand and respect the decision.

Why I *renamed* the page from "bugs" to "bug importance"
- For the title page to be semantic complete itself; what its not 
important for developers but to the *average user*. If this was 
accepted, I had planed to do the same to the rest of pages for consistency.

Why I *haven't redirected* the previous page title to the new one
- Because keeping the number of pages to the minimum to make *browsing* 
for pages of the same category simpler, because I've *corrected links* 
in all the pages I've found, and because it's already *easy to find* the 
new page in the suggestions for these minimum cases where the link is 

Why I have deleted the *header*
- Because it's expected that nearly every user that enters the page to 
be looking to *not something more* than bug importance itself. Perhaps 
there can be a header for making easier to navigate between 
documentation, but the header we had here looked rather like a 
*warning*; so it is expected it to distract the user rather than making 
navigation to look simpler, specially being in the top of the page.

Why I removed the *introduction*
- Because what is bug importance is *self-explanatory*, specially being 
expected that the user will come to this page from one that speaks about 
what bug triaging is.

Why I putted *how to set* bug importance at the bottom of the page
- Because this is information *you read one time*, over bug importance 
sets being read many times. And it's already *easy to notice* this 
information is there.

- Would I have been able to edit the page if I had to explain these 
points, and the rest of them, before the edition; or I had simply 
*chosen not to* try so?
- Is this the same to *the rest* of people?
- How much *time* do you thing a message like this will someone take to 
write? And to answer? How do you see this for *every choose* (or not 
- What is more important for you: things to be *simple*, or things to be 
- What is the *advantage* of Ubuntu as operating systems over the rest 
for users?
- And for its *management*, is it the same?

Just ideas 🐂

El 06/12/13 08:00, Jean-Baptiste Lallement escribió:
> Hi Alberto,
> I noticed that you made important changes to the Bugs/Importance wiki 
> page [1], important enough to not be done without discussion. If it 
> has already been discussed somewhere, could you please point me to the 
> discussion.
> One of the most important change you made was to rename the page from 
> 'Bugs/Importance' to 'Bugs/Bug importance'. Furthermore there is no 
> redirection from the previous version to this new page. The 
> consequence is that there are now broken links on several other 
> sections, this page is not found anymore by search engines with terms 
> like 'ubuntu bugs importance' or even 'bug importance' and it adds no 
> useful information since the word 'Bugs' was already on the URI. It 
> also breaks consistency with other pages of the Bugs section named 
> 'Bugs/<Category>' e.g Bugs/Status, ...
> You moved the header that contains the link to the bugsquad knowledge 
> base from the top to bottom. This is important information that must 
> be on top because it gives reference to triaging material for some one 
> who is not familiar with it and landed directly on this page.
> You removed the introduction that explains what is importance and who 
> can set it. The screenshot is a nice addition though. There are now 2 
> bullet points toward the end of the page, but who reads it entirely?
> Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your contributions but I think 
> this is an important change to a core page of the Bugsquad knowledge 
> base that needs discussion beforehand. I'd suggest to revert this page 
> to rev 33, (especially the renaming of the page) then discuss your 
> changes.
> Cheers,
> [1] importance formerly 

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