Lubuntu 13.04 PPC Testing - Now Clarify Netboot Testing

Str8bs str8bslinux at
Mon Apr 8 23:19:44 UTC 2013


Raring mini boots and installs base fine on iMac G3 600 R128 Ultra without
issue. If I understand Phil's comments, that should be logged under Raring
Daily netboot iso test and I will do so.
BTW:  I can also confirm successful sudo tasksel of Lubuntu desktop
excepting the usual xorg workarounds on this hardware.

In case it helps others trying install from mini.iso:

If tester is going for Lubuntu desktop (or others,) might be a good idea to
add "sudo apt-get update" prior to "sudo tasksel." If not, the only option
related to Lubuntu is Lubuntu live CD. No idea what that is supposed to do
from tasksel, but it does not install xinit. If apt-get update is run first,
then Lubuntu Desktop (and others) is an option and installs fine. May also
want to note to unmark all others in tasksel. Several other desktops are
marked by default.

This method is noted here


From: phillw at [mailto:phillw at] On Behalf Of Phill
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 2:10 PM
To: Str8bs; Jackson Doak; Nicholas Skaggs
Cc: ubuntu-quality at
Subject: Re: Lubuntu 13.04 PPC Testing - Now Clarify Netboot Testing

Good Catch,

this test case for PPC, is wrong. It should refer
to  of
which seems to be a
duplicate of? and not

The Mini (network) install test cases should only be to tested to the point
that it reboots okay. It is for the flavours (teams) to discuss how to
proceed with adding what they want onto it (LAMP, Mail-Server, Lubuntu etc.
etc.) from the tasksel listing. This is what lubuntu does

As there seems to be 'test-cases' for mini-iso, that are actually nothing to
do with testing the actual successful installation of it. These additional
tasks are a function of the application tasksel and should be moved to
'optional' or even to 'applications-testing' and away from iso-tracker. We
can advise on the options available in tasksel and people can log in and use
tasksel to install what every they want. 

@ Nicholas, can I have your views on this? 



On 8 April 2013 18:52, Str8bs <str8bslinux at> wrote:
Sorry for n00b question, but,
The task described at
5/results appears as standard alternate/minimal install. By netboot do you
mean simply installing by booting mini.iso? or setting up a netboot server
on my end and booting/installing from that?


From: Jackson Doak [mailto:doak.jackson at]
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2013 3:51 PM
To: Str8bs
Cc: Lubuntu
Subject: Re: Lubuntu 13.04 PPC Testing

always try and test the latest image, it's good to have a tester. could you
try netboot too.

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 6:49 AM, Str8bs <str8bslinux at> wrote:

Phil mentioned in the forum that beta1 was missed. I'm not familiar
with how the release schedule works.
Does this mean testing PPC 13.04 beta 1 alternate would be a waste of time?
When installing on older (G3) hardware, I usually prefer the alternate
due to they usually also have low ram.

Thank you.

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