"The crash belongs to a package that is not installed." ???

Brendan Donegan brendan.donegan at canonical.com
Wed Sep 26 17:42:02 UTC 2012

On 26/09/12 15:23, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> On 09/26/2012 06:02 AM, Brendan Donegan wrote:
>> On 25/09/12 15:54, Brian Murray wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 09:44:25AM +0200, Gabor Toth wrote:
>>>> Just a question here.
>>>>  From time to time I get a system crash window popping up and saying
>>>> that there was a crash.  I click on send the report - of course - and
>>>> then it comes up with another window saying "The crash belongs to a
>>>> package that is not installed."
>>>> I do not get it.  How can a package crash that is not even installed?
>>>> Can anyone light my way in this?
>>> Knowing what the contents of /var/crash is would be helpful in
>>> determining which application crashed.  For example:
>>> /var/crash/_usr_share_apport_apportcheckresume.1000.crash
>>> indicates the application /usr/share/apport/apportcheckresume crashed
>>> and I know that is a part of apport.  (You could check via dpkg -S
>>> /usr/share/apport/apportcheckresume.)  Then I can use apt-cache policy
>>> to see if apport is installed:
>>> apport:
>>>    Installed: 2.5.2-0ubuntu4
>>>    Candidate: 2.5.2-0ubuntu4
>>> -- 
>>> Brian Murray
>>> Ubuntu Bug Master
>> Something similar happens when the version of the package that 
>> crashed does not match the one in the archive. It is intended to stop 
>> bugs from being reported on old package versions, but the text is 
>> deeply confusing. I wonder is it that?
> Brendan, afaik, it's there to prevent reporting crashes against old 
> package versions (since the new version may have a fix, etc). Makes 
> sense of course -- what's confusing about the message?
> Nicholas
I meant the text is deeply confusing if that is the reason for the 
failure Gabor saw

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