Quantal libre office menu integration problem

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jeanbaptiste.lallement at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 16:03:19 UTC 2012

On 09/07/2012 05:23 PM, chris hermansen wrote:
> Hello everyone;

> Trying out Libre Office in Quantal and I notice what appears to be a bug
> in the integration with Unity's menu.
> An example:
>  1. start up Writer
>  2. menu items in Unity menu are generally accessible (for example, Help)
>  3. insert a table in the empty document page
>  4. menu items in Unity menu are no longer accessible (for example, Help)
> As I said above, this seems like a bug to me.  Not sure where to report
> it; does this kind of thing live upstream, or is it a Unity bug, or...?
I noticed this issue too on Quantal, not only with tables but any 
libreoffice menu, like if they can be used only once then almost all the 
items are disabled. Can you file a bug against libreoffice ?

 From a terminal run the command:
$ ubuntu-bug libreoffice

> --
> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen at gmail.com <mailto:clhermansen at gmail.com>
> C'est ma façon de parler.

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