Glitches on upgrade to 12.10

chris hermansen clhermansen at
Mon Oct 29 17:55:06 UTC 2012


On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 7:05 AM, Gabor Toth < at> wrote:
> Hi,

> Why don't we just keep the modified files?

I think this is a great suggestion: put the modified files in

ie treat the /home/username/OldVersions as root relative to the files
to be changed.

or something similar.

This would let the user go back and change her/his configuration at
leisure, not in the middle of an upgrade.

> 3. After upgrade I tried Libreoffice today the first time.  When I
> opened a Calc (table) file it opened fine, however the top menu (Files,
> Edit, etc.) did not show up integrated into the top bar or in any way.

The problem with the missing menu in LibreOffice is a known bug
#1064962 if I am not wrong.  Quite frustrating but there is a

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen at

C'est ma façon de parler.

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