Glitches on upgrade to 12.10

Gabor Toth at
Mon Oct 29 13:13:45 UTC 2012

Got that and all right!  Thanks for the info, somewhere I've missed it

I would think though then the DVD images could be filled up with more
stuff.  It is just a bit over a CD image and lot's of space for more
stuff - language packs, more aps, etc.  No?  Just an idea...

Gabor Toth

E-mail: at   Phone: +45-2163-4983

On 10/29/2012 02:09 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Ubuntu have dropped CD sized images with 12.10. If the host computer
> can only read a CD (i.e. no usb boot either) then a net-install would
> have to be used. 
> Regards,
> Phill
> Regards,
> Phill.
> On 29 October 2012 13:03, Charlie Kravetz <cjk at
> <mailto:cjk at>> wrote:
>     On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 11:05:24 +0100
>     Gabor Toth < at < at>> wrote:
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > I have upgraded to 12.10 yesterday evening and it went very smooth
>     > indeed.  There is one comment I would make on the upgrade
>     process that I
>     > feel should be changed in future releases:
>     > During the process in a number of times (around 15-20 in my case) a
>     > message came up saying that I have modified some configuration
>     files and
>     > offering me the options to keep mine or change it to the new
>     one.  I can
>     > look what the difference is.  Now, while it seems fine, I
>     actually did
>     > not know many of the files where do they belong to or what do
>     they do
>     > and did not know what is the consequence if I keep mine versus
>     using the
>     > upgrade version.  What do I loose by not keeping?  If I keep do
>     I miss
>     > out some features? The process does not give data on it and for
>     people
>     > who are even less knowledgeable it would say nothing so they would
>     > choose blindly one or the other option - almost pointless to
>     even ask.
>     > Why don't we just keep the modified files?
>     > Just a point to make.
>     >
>     > Now, I do have some issues since upgrade though:
>     > 1. Not directly related to upgrade but thought to put it here: I
>     have
>     > also downloaded the ISO images of both x64 and i386.  I like to have
>     > them burned on CD in case I need them and sometimes I install for
>     > someone else.  When I tried to burn them on CD, Brasero in both
>     cases
>     > said that they are two big for burning on a blank CD?!  Is that
>     so?  Are
>     > the images too big for CD?
>     When I browse ,
>     which is
>     the Ubuntu 12.10 images, I see file sizes of 763MB for the 64-bit
>     Desktop cd and 753MB for the i386 Desktop cd. That, indeed, is too big
>     for a CD. It can be burned to either a USB drive or DVD, though.
>     >
>     > 2. Since upgrade Pidgin does not appear in the menu on the
>     notification
>     > area under the "envelop".  Actually after the reboot, that
>     completed the
>     > upgrade, the "envelop" and its menu was missing too entirely.
>      Then when
>     > I started Thunderbird and Gwibber the "envelop" came and it is there
>     > since but the only thing that is in the menu is Thinderbird and
>     > Gwibber.  I do not have Pidgin even when it is running - it runs
>     fine
>     > though, but does not appear there.  BTW I also have Emphaty
>     installed on
>     > the system and while I do not use it, before upgrade it did
>     appear in
>     > that menu and now it is not there.  I have filed this as a bug
>     against
>     > the Pidgin package, not sure if that is the right place though.
>     >
>     > 3. After upgrade I tried Libreoffice today the first time.  When I
>     > opened a Calc (table) file it opened fine, however the top menu
>     (Files,
>     > Edit, etc.) did not show up integrated into the top bar or in
>     any way.
>     > The menu was missing!  It was not there in the full windowed
>     mode or the
>     > smaller one either.  Then I closed it and when started next time
>     it just
>     > worked fine and does so since.  Did not file a bug as I can not
>     > reproduce, but right after upgrade it was there.  Kind of strange.
>     > Wanted to report it here.
>     >
>     > Other than the above issues everything seems to be running just
>     fine and
>     > the system is smooth as butter.  I love the new background images,
>     > congrats for whoever choose them.
>     >
>     > I would be glad to assist to fix any of the above ones if I can do
>     > something.  Testing, additional data, anything.  Let me know.
>     >
>     > Have a nice day.
>     >
>     > Gabor,
>     >
>     --
>     Charlie Kravetz
>     Linux Registered User Number 425914          []
>     Never let anyone steal your DREAM.          
>     []
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