Invitation to host Quality training events in Ubuntu Classroom

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at
Sun Nov 18 20:54:38 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

Many of you may be aware of the Ubuntu Classroom project which hosts
events from around the community in IRC in #ubuntu-classroom and

The classroom is a popular outlet for training and we announce
sessions on our blog (which goes to planet) and via social media,
afterwards logs are linked on our wiki page for others to benefit

We're always looking to host more sessions, so at the Ubuntu Developer
Summit someone suggested we reach out to the quality team to invite
members of the team to host sessions on what kinds of testing exist,
how users can get involved with various types of testing, etc. Perhaps
even a regular Q&A session or a series of sessions.

So here we are! If anyone is interested in running some sessions,
please let me know and we'll take the next steps to getting you
scheduled :)

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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