UDS:R -- the story so far

Brendan Donegan brendan.donegan at canonical.com
Thu Nov 1 14:32:37 UTC 2012

On 01/11/12 15:28, Jeff Lane wrote:
> On 11/01/2012 03:14 PM, chris hermansen wrote:
>> For instance, I think it's important to have the webcam, multimedia
>> buttons, etc working but I'd far sooner give them up and not have
>> Unity-LibreOffice integration broken the way it is in 12.10.  I think
>> the reason we have a lot of working webcams in 12.10 and not so many
>> working LibreOffices is because the test cases for LibreOffice don't
>> currently go deeply enough.
> If you're interested in testing hardware related items like the 
> webcam, hotkeys, audio, etc, you should look at Checkbox[1] and the 
> tests it provides.
> You can run it in an Ubuntu Friendly[2] context from the dash by 
> searching for "Ubuntu Friendly" and clicking on the "System Testing" 
> icon.
> For the curious, the test cases are defined in job files located in 
> /usr/share/checkbox/jobs in plain text.  These jobs include manual 
> tests, automated tests, and tests that are a combination of both (for 
> example, launching a program and asking the tester to confirm the 
> result).
> The scripts that do the actual testing can be found in 
> /usr/share/checkbox/scripts.  Scripts can be in virtually any 
> language, though we generally prefer shell or python to keep the code 
> base somewhat homogenous.
> For Ubuntu Friendly, the tests that are run are contained in a file 
> called /usr/share/checkbox/data/whitelists/default.whitelist
> We use this same tool and these same scripts for Ubuntu Hardware 
> Certification.
> And, Checkbox is installed on EVERY Ubuntu Desktop install there is 
> (Not in the [X,K,L,Ed,*]ubuntus though :(  ) as it is part of the 
> default installation and lives in Main.
And there's no reason it can't be in the Kubuntu image since the UI is 
in Qt. We may have some Ubuntu specific assumptions in there, but 
patches would be welcome for those.
> Checkbox is also an open project so anyone is welcome to submit 
> patches, new tests, improve the existing tests, etc.
> Happy Testing ;-)
> Jeff
> [1]http://launchpad.net/checkbox
> [2]http://friendly.ubuntu.com

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