
Alex Lourie at
Mon Jan 2 05:20:49 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 7:02 AM, Scott < at> wrote:

> Hi,
>    I am following the "How do I get Involved" on the wiki and it suggested
> I introduce myself on this mailing list and list my goals and Interest, so
> I am. :)
>    I have been testing Ubuntu for a while now and based on the activities
> list I like doing General Testing.  I like to take a release as early as I
> can in the Alpha stage and use it as my main OS.  As long as there are no
> show stopper bugs for me I will continue to use it and report any bugs I
> find.  This type of bug testing interest me most, but depending on my time
> I would like to look at other testing that can help.
>    My goal is to simply give back to the Ubuntu community from which have
> provided me a product I depend on so much.
> --
> Your friend,
> Scott
> --
> Ubuntu-qa mailing list
> Ubuntu-qa at
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:**
> mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-qa<>

Hi Scott

Thanks for expressing interest in Ubuntu QA. If you like General Testing,
you've come to the right place!!

We have a lot of such activities and you can participate in any way that
suites you. You can read about these at the wiki [1].

Additionally, you can hop into #ubuntu-testing on Freenode IRC for a chat
on participating in other QA activities.

Just remember, that it is still a holidays period, so not many may be
available for chat yet.

Currently, there is testing going on for the Precise Pangolin Alpha 1
release - the test tracker is [2] and you can ask on #ubuntu-testing if you
aren't sure how to use it.


Alex Lourie
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