Exploring Ask ubuntu for quality!

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Wed Dec 19 22:47:15 UTC 2012

I should mention, if we have any askubuntu gurus in the community, 
please speak up and help guide all of us in this endeavor (me included!).


On 12/19/2012 05:45 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> I'd like to propose all of us as a community embrace Askubuntu as an 
> outlet for getting help and asking common questions about quality and 
> testing. The past couple cycles we've spent ensuring our wiki area 
> became more and more of a resource for understanding and providing 
> help getting started. However, the wiki is not able to be interactive, 
> which is why we have things like the mailing list and the irc channel, 
> as well as social media, the forums etc.
> Although irc, mailing lists, the forums, etc can be interactive, these 
> mediums are not good places to store and retrieve information. In 
> addition, we have new and expanding knowledge barriers with autopilot 
> tests, autopkg, and the expansion of manual testing and cadence weeks. 
> It is my hope that having ask ubuntu as an outlet to ask questions and 
> get answers and personalized help and feedback in the ever changing 
> quality world. The upside is that unlike IRC, mailing lists (to some 
> extent), and forums, etc, this feedback is naturally collected, 
> sorted, and moderated on ask ubuntu. This should allow the questions 
> and answers to complement our documentation and wiki pages.
> Now I am by no means an expert at the site, but I started by creating 
> a "quality" tag that we can utilize to ask, tag, and find posts 
> pertaining to quality. I'll be watching this page, and ask ubuntu in 
> general to answer any questions that pop up.
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/quality
> Feel free to post some questions (and answers!), and give some 
> feedback on what you think about using askubuntu. When you post, 
> simply tag it quality (http://imgur.com/JDFk0) to make sure it shows 
> on the filter tag page for each general browsing by the rest of us.
> Ohh, here's some example questions I thought might be useful for 
> asking / answering. Note, I've haven't yet asked/answered them (yet!), 
> but I would encourage you to feel free to write good questions and 
> answers to these and other questions you may have! NOTE, you can ask 
> and answer your own question for the purpose of distilling information.
> What is . . .
>     the qatracker?
>     cadence testing?
>     smoke testing?
>     milestone testing?
> How do I . . .
>     test a piece of software that has a 'call for testing' event?
>     see a list of testcases available for a package?
>     see a list of testcases available for an image?
>     test an image of ubuntu?
>     participate in cadence or milestone testing?
>     contribute a new autopkg testcase for a package?
>     contribute a new autopilot testcase for a package?
>     contribute a new manual testcase for a package?
> Thanks!
> Nicholas

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