
Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Fri Aug 24 19:48:41 UTC 2012

On 08/24/2012 09:03 AM, Jim Adams wrote:
> Hello:
> My name is Jim Adams.  I have been an avid user of Ubuntu for serveral 
> years now and have used the bleeding edge for as much as possible 
> (hoping to get warnings prior to running my daily 'apt-get 
> dist-upgrade' when scary Xserver bugs are unleashed) and I have been 
> very impressed with the stability even on alpha releases that I have 
> run on my primary laptop.
> I have been out of the loop for a while and didn't get to play much 
> with 12.04 prior to the GA, but I'd like to help in a little way I can 
> with the next one in the pipe.
> My only connect to Ubuntu outside of being an OS geek by nature is 
> Jono Bacon (who I play music with in Severed Fifth). I've talked to 
> him from time to time about my experiences with the OS, and he 
> suggested I sign up to be more visible to the rest of the 
> here I am. :-)
> So far, I can only take credit for finding one bug...back in the 11.10 
> (or was it 11.04?) branch.   If I remember correctly is was a funky 
> kernel bug with 'lshw'.   I was surprised when I filed the report and 
> wasn't the 20th person to mention it.
> I'm no dev/scripting champion...just your average Ops Admin with the 
> majority of my days spent managing storage fun in the Valley.   I'll 
> try to be as clear as possible if/when I have anything to share, but 
> with my lack of programming, I may find it a challenge at times.   
> Hopefully I'll get better in that regard by helping the community make 
> the best Linux distro for desktops out there.     Maybe I can talk 
> somebody at Cannonical into focusing more on competing with 
> CentOS/RH.  ;-)
> Happy Friday.
> Jim Adams
Hello Jim! Glad to have you! Have a look at our wiki page if you haven't 
yet, particularly the 'Next Steps' section. Look through the activities 
page, and depending on your time and interest have a look at the 
qatracker and the isos and packages out there now available for testing.

Let us know if you need any help, and welcome! Stay tuned to the list 
for special testing events as well. And as always, feel free to ask 

Have a great weekend,

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