Kernel Triage Summit planning

manoj.iyer at manoj.iyer at
Wed Jun 16 20:02:35 UTC 2010


Jfo, I think a wiki page with a table of 'Topics' 'subject expert' 
'triagers' or something of that nature will be helpful in managing this 
event. Each subject expert can then add wiki links to the table. We can 
expand this further with links to new kernel bugs etc. For example:

Topic            subject expert    triager       useful links
suspend/resume|  ManojIyer    |     joe, doe,|   http://wiki.ubuntu...
video         |  SteveConklin |     joe, doe,|   http://wiki.ubuntu...
Audio         |  BradFigg     |     joe, doe,|   http://wiki.ubuntu...

This way we know who exactly is signing up to triage what kind of bugs, 
and roles & responsibilities can be accurately defined. Also its a central 
place for triagers to contact subject experts and or look for wiki 
information. Each 'Topic' can be a dynamic link to a launchpad search 
query that will list latest bugs on say for example Audio, or video.

--- manjo

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Jeremy Foshee wrote:

> This is an open call for those interested in either Kernel Bug Triage or
> improving your kernel subsystem knowledge.
> The Ubuntu Kernel Team decided during UDS-M that a Triage summit of
> sorts would be a perfect way to help those interested in moving our
> kernel bugs forward and, as a side effect, was a great way to do
> an introduction and brief overview of key kernel subsystems such as
> audio, KMS and graphics, etc.
> If you are currently triaging kernel bugs on Launchpad, then this summit
> is geared towards you! If you are interested in a basic understanding of
> the steps needed to troubleshoot specific subsystem issues, then this is
> for you as well. The goal here is to provide interested parties with a
> way to improve their knowledge in a hands-on way while helping the
> kernel team itself flesh out our wiki documentation and the Kernel bug
> triage process as a whole.
> This concept was brought about by a great idea Steve Conklin had during
> UDS, so when you see him, thank him. :-)
> The dates are not yet set, but I'd like to have this before the end of
> the cycle, so if you are interested please send me some e-mail
> introducing yourself and telling me what particular information you'd
> like to see presented or just which subsystem you want to know more
> about. This will help me determine the time requirements as well as get
> the Subject Matter Experts lined up.
> Once I have all the information gathered, we will select several
> possible date/time options for the team and the SMEs to work with.
> Ideally, I'd like to have this occur on one day, but your input back to
> me will enable me to see what we will actually need. so please respond
> to this with your interests! :)
> I can't wait to get this started!
> Thanks!
> ~JFo
> -- 
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> kernel-team at

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