Fwd: My Contribution For The Next QA Status Report : IRC Release Meeting

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Sun Sep 14 15:48:05 UTC 2008

On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 01:34:58 +1000 "Null Ack" <nullack at gmail.com> wrote:
>As part of discussions on IRC Sunday, it was mentioned that its policy
>to mark package update requests as wishlist importance. I've since
>looked up the process policy and the wording is:
>Wishlist: a request to add a new feature to one of the programs in Ubuntu.
>    * These aren't always bugs, but can be ideas for new features
>which do not yet exist.
>    * These can also be requests to have software packaged for Ubuntu.
>    *  If it is non-trivial to implement, it should rather be written
>as a feature specification, see FeatureSpecifications
Additionally, that probably ought to be updated to point people to 
Brainstorm and not spec writing..

Scott K

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