Dell Mini 9 update testing

Chris Gregan chris.gregan at
Wed Nov 12 16:43:51 UTC 2008

With the release of the Dell Mini 9 the Ubuntu Community has an 
opportunity to become involved with pre-release and update testing for 
the custom engineering group. As many, if not all of you are aware the 
Dell Mini 9 shipped with a custom version of Ubuntu, based on Hardy, but 
sporting a new desktop interface. As we move forward, the system will 
require ongoing updates and security fixes. This is where the community 
can help us keep the quality of our updates high, our customers happy, 
and happy customers means more Ubuntu pre-loaded devices.

The OEM Services group is setting up a proposed repo, to handle updates 
for the mini 9 and other netbook devices. As the QA lead, I would like 
to find out the level of interest in helping out with this testing. 
Those of you with devices would be highly valuable testers, but there is 
a chance for a program in the future to provide hardware to those 
interested in this kind of work.

So, please respond to me directly with your comments, questions, and we 
can begin to organize an effort around this new class of devices running 


Chris Gregan
QA Manager
OEM Services
Canonical USA Inc.
cgregan at
cgregan at freenode

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