
Nick Ellery nick.ellery at ubuntu.com
Sat Jul 12 17:45:54 UTC 2008

Hi everybody,

Jordan has asked me to send an introductory email to the QA Team upon
my application to the ubuntu-qa team on Launchpad, so here it is!

My name is Nick Ellery, and I am a Canadian resident.  I've been
contributing to Ubuntu for about 4 months now.  This mainly consists
of work for the Documentation Team, a bit of answer tracking and
translating, and for the past two months, bug triaging.  I've been an
Ubuntu Member since early June.  As a bug triager, I am a member of
the ubuntu-bugcontrol team.  I take part in weekly Bug Days, and even
gave a helping hand to setting up last Thursday's bug day [1].

Wiki Page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NickEllery
Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/~nick.ellery

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080710


Nick Ellery

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