Dogtail scripts in bzr

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Tue Jan 15 20:46:02 UTC 2008

We've started hacking together some dogtail test scripts. It's quite a 
messy process because the scripts are rather fragile and often require 
work arounds to run at all. Simple scripts can be recorded with the 
recording tool though and can be tweaked by hand by several people over 
time. The early scripts are just attached to a wiki page:

For this to scale we obviously need some sort of revision control and we 
should probably also package known good scripts. I propose we adopt the 
approach used by bughelper in storing clue files, but that we tighten 
then write access to the bzr repo, because there is a much greater scope 
for damage with scripts than clue files.

In bullet form:

 * We create a simple package for Ubuntu universe called 
ubuntu-test-automation, udtp or similar. This will contain the vetted 
desktop self-testing scripts and an update script. For now this may 
simply be a 'hello world' script.

 * We set up a project in Launchpad with a bzr repo for the contributed 
scripts, analogous to the bughelper clue files repo. Anyone can read but 
only a few people who have proven python and system knowledge can write 
to this repo.

 * After you install the base test package you can issue a simple 'synch 
with working repo' command to automatically grab the current working 
tree with the latest scripts. this is clearly opt-in and we may also add 
a warning that you should only run these tests on a separate account.

 * We use the bug tracker to take script contributions from a larger 
audience. This material will initially be added to the working repo and 
later to the installable package

Views? Does this give the right balance of security and a sensible 
workflow? How do we deal with the situation of two versions of the same 
script, one in the package and one in bzr; simply use a different naming 


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