Ubuntu QA meeting agenda 2008-02-13

Leann Ogasawara leann at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 15 20:20:15 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-02-14 at 17:35 +0000, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Leann Ogasawara wrote:
> >
> > My next idea is much easier in terms of breaking the qa-hardy-list into
> > teams.  I'm thinking we should rename the 'qa-hardy-list' tag to be team
> > specific.  For example 'qa-hardy-desktop', 'qa-hardy-kernel',
> > 'qa-hardy-platform', etc.  I can quickly write a python-launchpad-bugs
> > script to update the tags for the existing list of bugs we have.  This
> > will obviously make sorting the lists by team much easier.  Also, going
> > forward this will not create any additional work for us.  We'll just
> > have to remember to tag bugs as team specific.  
> >
> > I wanted to get your guys' thoughts on this.  Is there anyone opposed to
> > renaming the qa-hardy-list tag?  Is there any other better ideas on how
> > to easily sort the list by teams?
> >   
> I think that's fine. This also gives the teams the option of just 
> viewing their list as an LP search
> rather than use our page.

Ok, so I've re-tagged all the bugs as either:


I also have them being displayed by team:


The entire list of bugs can still be viewed here:


Obviously, if you notice a bug has been inappropriately tagged, feel
free to retag it accordingly.


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