Ubuntu QA meeting agenda 2008-02-13

Leann Ogasawara leann at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 14 17:20:12 UTC 2008

Hi All,

On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 22:35 +0000, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
>  * Splitting hardy qa bug list [1] into teams
>   * Progress is still slow on these bugs; making a separate list for 
> each dev team would allow us to follow it up more closely

Splitting the list in an automated fashion appeared to be a much more
do-able task than it currently is.  I was originally going to grab the
list of maintained packages by team and use that to determine where each
of the bugs on the qa-hardy-list should go.  However, the list of
maintained packages by team listed in launchpad does not look current.

My next idea is much easier in terms of breaking the qa-hardy-list into
teams.  I'm thinking we should rename the 'qa-hardy-list' tag to be team
specific.  For example 'qa-hardy-desktop', 'qa-hardy-kernel',
'qa-hardy-platform', etc.  I can quickly write a python-launchpad-bugs
script to update the tags for the existing list of bugs we have.  This
will obviously make sorting the lists by team much easier.  Also, going
forward this will not create any additional work for us.  We'll just
have to remember to tag bugs as team specific.  

I wanted to get your guys' thoughts on this.  Is there anyone opposed to
renaming the qa-hardy-list tag?  Is there any other better ideas on how
to easily sort the list by teams?


> Henrik
> [1] 
> http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogasawara/qa-hardy-list-archive/sort-by-package/current-buglist.html 

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