Debugging Procedures

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Thu Nov 29 18:56:28 UTC 2007

Hi Brian,

On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 09:35:25AM -0800, Brian Murray wrote:
> I was do some wiki work today and noticed there were a fair number of
> debugging procedures not linked to from the central debugging page[0].
> I've gone ahead and added links to the pages I could find and recommend
> that you check and see what "new" debugging documentation we have.  The
> ones I specifically recall linking to are: Apache2, LVM, Udev,
> Evolution, IDEIssues, LTSP, MouseDetection and TouchpadDetection .

Is there a way to automatically populate the list of Debugging pages in
the DebuggingProcedures wiki page ? So that whenever a new
DebuggingPackage page is written DebuggingProcedures doesn't need to be
edited (one less thing to do...). I think that tagging each debugging
page with a category and using a wiki macro to generate the list of
pages in DebuggingProcedures should be enough.
-- Mathias
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