QA team meeting notes - 2007-12-19

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Wed Dec 19 20:56:39 UTC 2007

Held 2007-12-19 at 19.00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting

 * QA wiki cleanup day - suggestion from stgraber to decruft QA wiki pages
 => Agreed Jan 3rd

 * qa-hardy-list discussion - Discuss the current qa-hardy-list list [1].
 => bdmurray will filter bugs with many subscribers, heno bugs with many 
dupes and from known teams
 => We will complete the list tomorrow and heno will email the distro 
team about it

 * Alpha 2 image testing
  => We will likely have images for testing tomorrow (20th)

 * Bug Day - no package analysis - bdmurray
  => around 20% of no-package bugs ended up with the kernel, lrm, etc. 9 
moved to xorg, 7 to kdebase (238 bugs were considered) -- In short these 
bugs were spread on a large number of packages. Very few no-package have 
marked duplicates.
  => bdmurray will analyse the no-package bug day results further; 
consider tagging genuine package-less bugs as such
  => We should do another no-package bug day soonish

 * Next meeting
  => Agreed Jan 4th at 18.00 UTC


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