QA team meeting agenda - 2007-12-19

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Wed Dec 19 15:41:06 UTC 2007

19.00 UTC today in #ubuntu-meeting

Agenda at:

 * Testing wiki cleanup day - suggestion from stgraber to follow up on 
davmor2's new testing page

 * qa-hardy-list discussion - Discuss the current list [1]. What should 
we add or remove? How well are the different topics (desktop, server, 
kubuntu, kernel, xorg, installer, etc.) represented?

 * Alpha 2 image testing - As with Alpha 1, this is a freeze-free release

 * Next meeting - unlikely to be Dec. 26. Do want Jan 2nd, or move to 
4th perhaps?

btw, feel free to add agenda items to the wiki page.


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