Ubuntu-Pakistan Call for Appointment of Linux Professional Institute Authorized Training Partners (LATP)s in Pakistan

Fouad Riaz Bajwa fouadbajwa at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 00:54:10 GMT 2007

How to become a LPI Training Partner
LPI, as a vendor-independent organization, does not have an "official"
single method of test preparation. LPI encourage publishers, schools and
training centers to work together within the community to encourage choice,
flexibility and innovation. Nevertheless, LPI also encourages the
development of traditional training programs through our LPI Approved
Training Partners (LPI ATP). 

LPI Approved Training Partner (LPI ATP) Program 
The LPI ATP Program differentiates and substantially increases the objective
standing of training organizations by showing a higher level of commitment
to LPI through the use of third third party-approved training materials, LPI
certified instructors, and adherence to LPI's Training and Academic Code of
Ethics (see below). 

The Training Organization will: 

1. Use LPI Approved Training Materials (LPI ATM). 

2. Use LPI Certified Instructors LCI or provide proof of professional
training as a computer instructor 

3. In classroom learning, there will be at least one instructor (contract or
employee) in the organization that is certified on each LPI level the that
they are providing training for. 

4. Each training organization will be allowed some flexibility and ramp up
time on the TOTAL number of certified individuals required based on
organization size and market share, which will be decided on a case-by-case
basis at the discretion of LPI. 

The Benefits of this program include: 

- Use of the LPI Approved Training Partner Logo 

- Use of the LPI ATM logo on their courseware 

- Receipt of an attractive LPI ATP certificate and other materials honoring
their status 

- LPI will supply two exam vouchers 

- Discounts off list price for exam vouchers 

- Recognition of their approved status on the LPI website. 

Frequent and expansive co-marketing opportunities, such as targeted press
releases, byline sharing, coordinated email announcements, coordinated
presence at conferences, access to discounted exam vouchers, and collateral

The Requirements of this program include: 

- Adherence to the Code of Ethics 

- LPI ATP will perform the duties of a LPI ATP in assigned partner

- LPI administrative access to the course materials and facilities as
required for occasional review 

- Recognition of their Approved status on marketing materials, including the
organization's website 

- Payment of LPI ATP fees 

Training and Academic Organization Code of Ethics

a. LPI requires that Training Organizations commit to the same Linux
community standards that LPI itself strives to embody. To that end, we
require that: 

b. The organization will provide a learning program that is of merit,
reflecting the good intent, neutrality, and objective measures of the LPI
certification program in the Linux community. 

c. The organization will develop, publish, and follow a clear road map for
linking their Linux courses to LPI certifications so that individuals can
readily plan their career development. 

d. The organization will offer courses based on accepted instructional
design methodologies for each modality used. Course procedures and content
will be valid and reliable. 

e. The organization will encourage hands-on and/or simulation practice as
part of their program. 

f. The organization will provide objective and standardized means to
evaluate student skills as part of their program. 

g. The organization will employ instructors who know the subject matter and
have a demonstrated ability to teach. 

The cost for joining the LATP program is US$1000 for one training facility
location and an additional US$250 per additional location. All fees are
payable directly the Linux Professional Institute.

In order to explore your options for becoming a LATP and offering LPI
Certification Exam Preparations and Hosting LPI Paper Based Tests in your
center and city, kindly contact the following so that we may forward you a
copy of the LATP Contract:

Programme Manager
LPI Pakistan Territory
LATP Program
manager at lpipakistan.org

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