Ubuntu-Pakistan Go Ubuntu - Anyone can Develop Device Drivers for GNU/Linux with the DDK

Fouad Riaz Bajwa bajwa at fossfp.org
Mon Sep 18 09:06:53 BST 2006

Driver development kit released for new Linux programmers!

Kernel developer Greg Kroah-Hartman released a Linux device driver
development kit (DDK) in the mid of this year that consists of a CD image
containing everything a device driver author needs in order to create Linux

Kroah-Hartman is the current maintainer for USB and PCI device driver code
for the Linux kernel, one of the kernel maintainers, and one of the
co-authors of the book Linux Device Drivers, third edition, a complete copy
of which is included as PDFs in the kit.

The kit also includes complete kernel source for the latest stable release,
version, and an extensive collection of documentation and support
files. The documentation includes HOW-TOs and instructional texts, API and
compatibility references, DocBook templates, recommended procedures for
submitting and patching device drivers, and a library of architecture- and
device-specific technical references.

Kroah-Hartman describes the kit as the first "proper" device driver
development kit for Linux, and notes his intention to expand on it in the
future, inviting contributions and pointers. 

Download the Linux device driver development kit (DDK)



GPL License


The CD image is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) for free

Kroah-Hartman's site 



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Fouad Riaz Bajwa
Team Lead Ubuntu-Pakistan Team
Go Ubuntu - Online FOSS Awareness Campaign

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