[Ubuntu-PH] Fwd: [rt.ubuntu.com #2557] LoCo site hosting on Mekong

Zak B. Elep zakame at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 1 02:56:45 UTC 2008

I have actually been meaning to volunteer my VPS to provide  new home
for ubuntu-ph.org www, but with this new development I think we can
use this instead.  Thoughts?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Jones via RT <rt at ubuntu.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 10:20 PM
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #2557] LoCo site hosting on Mekong
To: chris.jones at canonical.com
Cc: b.ghose at gnu.org.in, imtheface at gmail.com, licio at ubuntu.com,
ubuntu-au at liberatedcomputing.net, zakame at gmail.com

Hi guys,

As you may be aware, for some time now Canonical has been offering
hosting for Ubuntu LoCo teams on our server infrastructure as well as
the older hosting on ServerPronto machines (such as Mekong which you are
currently using).
Since our internal hosting has been working for some time now, we would
like to migrate the sites remaining on the ServerPronto machines to our

There are some restrictions, mainly around the software that is
available. We take security very seriously and can not allow software
that is unaudited or has no security team behind it. As such, we can offer:

* Drupal (additional modules must pass our code audit)
* Wordpress (additional modules must pass our code audit)
* Moinmoin wiki
* Planet
* SMF forums (although we strongly encourage using ubuntuforums.org
instead of having per-LoCo team forum instances)

Of course you are also free to move your sites to external hosting if
you need greater flexibility, but we would like to hear about any
requirements you have, as we may be able to address them.

Please reply as soon as possible and let me know what you would like to do.

Chris Jones
 cmsj at canonical.com

Zak B. Elep || http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com || zakame at spunge.org || zakame at mor.ph
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