[Ubuntu-PH] Edgy Release Party on November 12
Zak B. Elep
zakame at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 6 13:38:15 UTC 2006
Hi all! =)
As many of you know, Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) has been released last
October 26. As such, we'll be having a Release Party (late as it is
now, but hey, at least there's an excuse for partying ;) on November
12, this coming Sunday.
There are still some bits that leave to be desired, however, such as a
time and a place. Hence, I'm asking you, the good folks in this list,
for suggestions on a good place to meet up and a right time. So, what
would you guys want to have at the party?
Zak B. Elep || http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com || zakame at spunge.org || zak at orangeandbronze.com
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