[Ubuntu-PH] ubuntu-ph.org website

June G. Gonzales jggonzales at shopwise.com.ph
Thu Jul 13 01:12:34 UTC 2006

-1) what would you like to see in the new website? News? Tutorials?
-team plans/activities? Would you rather see it in Filipino or in

All of the above and some, though Filipino would be patriotic, I think it
would be better to have it in English.  Just my opinion.

-2) would you like to be able to have interaction in the website in the
-form of a wiki or a cms?

A cms would be nice

-3) would anyone like to volunteer on helping implement a new website?
-Server experience necessary and must have an ssh key.

Since I'm a newbie, I'd love to help out in my own little way, para
ma-practice din ang skills ko.  Pero wala akong ssh key.

June G. Gonzales
Registered Linux User: No. 280681 

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