[Ubuntu-PH] Re: Defining the Ubuntu Philippine Local Community Team

Ealden Esto E. Escañan ealden at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 00:32:42 UTC 2005

On 10/20/05, Dong Calmada <dongcalmada at gmail.com> wrote:
> My point is that the Ubuntu community must not be taken as such that
> dominates other communities like Fedora, Mandriva, and OpenSuse. Oh, I
> forgot to mention the Debian community.
> I suggest that our first Goal must be: Spread GNU/Linux in the
> Philippines and in the process emphasize the distinct features of
> Ubuntu.
> I know you know what I mean. I only want to emphasize what I think is
> just right.

Hi Dong,

Yes, I see what you mean clearly, and I agree.  I've updated
TeamGoals[1] and added a link and a gist of what I got from your
message :).


[1] http://www.ubuntu-ph.org/Wiki/TeamGoals

Ealden Esto E. Escañan
ealden at gmail.com

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