[Ubuntu-PH] Defining the Ubuntu Philippine Local Community Team

Ealden Esto E. Escañan ealden at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 16:33:39 UTC 2005

Hello everyone,

We had an informal meeting[1] a while ago in #ubuntu-ph.  It aimed to
define things for the Ubuntu Philippine LoCo, and we think we got some
good ideas out of it.  Nothing is final yet, though hopefully we can
build on these ideas and formulate something that we can agree upon.

The informal meeting covered two items, namely:
1. Team formation, and
2. http://ubuntu-ph.org

A summary of the discussions on these two items are outlined below:

1. Team Formation
Basically, discussion on team formation was composed of two things:
(1) meetings, and (2) TeamGoals.

For the meetings, people felt that a monthly online meeting is the way
to go.  We can hold meetings on #ubuntu-ph, or even reserve time to
have meetings on #ubuntu-meeting, although the feasibility of this was
not explored.

Supplementing these monthly online meetings are EBs (eye balls). 
Quarterly EBs got the vote of the majority, and a suggestion was
raised to hold these EBs after the regular PLUG seminars.

For the TeamGoals, three items stood out.  They are:
1. Spread Ubuntu in the Philippines
2. Translation work, and
3. Local case studies with the use of Ubuntu Linux

The first goal, spreading Ubuntu in the Philippines, is perhaps by
nature a task of a LoCo team.  The actual goal may be too vague
however, and may need to be a little more specific.

The second goal, translation, is something that is done and discussed now.

Finally, local case studies with the use of Ubuntu Linux, stem from
recent events such as adoption of Linux by Internet cafes, games in
Linux, and the like.  Having formal research activities on problems
such as these would most likely lead to positive results.

A possible long term goal of this team formation is the formulation of
a Vision/Mission statement for the Ubuntu Philippine LoCo Team.

2. http://ubuntu-ph.org
Making the website more visible and useful are some of the targets of
this discussion.  Better management, and the addition of more features
are some of the suggestions to reach this.

For features, a planet.ubuntu-ph.org was suggested to collect all
Ubuntu-PH-related blogposts into one page.  Notable content can then
be moved to the wiki as a more permanent way of storing knowledge.

A suggestion of having goals for the wiki was raised.  While the wiki
is an open collaboration environment, it is quite loose from a user's
perspective.  Turning the wiki into a localized user documentation was
also suggested, but problems like where to put local event news, as
well as how to cater to other languages here in the Philippines, were
raised.  This item needs further discussion.

Moving Forward
Again, we hope that these items can serve as a first step in the road
to fully forming the Philippines LoCo team.  A copy of this email is
placed on the wiki[2] and would serve as a workbook.  Comments and
suggestions are always welcomed :)

Lets volt in team! (lol heh)

[1] http://netz.smurf.noris.de/logs/freenode/2005/10/19/%23ubuntu-ph.log
search for 13:20:24
[2] http://ubuntu-ph.org/Wiki/TeamGoals

Ealden Esto E. Escañan
ealden at gmail.com

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