[Ubuntu-PH] Re: newbie pow

JM Ibanez jmibanez at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 04:23:18 UTC 2005

On 10/10/05, Jerome Gotangco <jgotangco at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> It's actually up in the air with the main thrust of the group. We're
> very much loose at the moment, hope it changes in the coming meets.
> Localization is one of the most obvious but let's not limit ourselves
> =)

Well, we could start with the obvious: advocacy. We could help out
with distributing and supporting Ubuntu locally, especially with the
influx of new users (such as those deploying Ubuntu in a net shop/cafe
environment). Personally, I've been helping out a local net shop owner
deploy Ubuntu.

By the way, on a related note: one reason MS is starting to lose on
the net shop end is that they require shops to enter a rental
licensing agreement[1]. The local shop owner I've been talking to is
annoyed that he has to sign up for this.

[1] http://www.microsoft.com/philippines/internetcafe/

JM Ibanez --
Sean               [Reading a letter from Will] "Sean, if the
                   Professor calls about that job, just tell him,
                   sorry, I have to go see about a girl." Son of a
                   bitch. He stole my line.
   - from "Good Will Hunting"


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