[Ubuntu-PH] Afraid of the BSA

Charles Yao ccyao at greenleecp.com
Mon Oct 10 01:10:33 UTC 2005

Being on the topic of BSA, I just want to ask how they work. How do they
raid the internet cafe's? I been hearing stories about it but I'd like
to hear from people who actually have had problems with them.


On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 08:35 +0800, RICAFORTE, Romeo V. wrote:
> Hello to all!
> I'm also a newbie in ubuntu.  I'm also an internet cafe owner and have already "migrated" at least half of my computers into Ubuntu (hoary hedgehog)for browsing and chat.  The primary reason for this is that I would like to gauge my customers response to it (and also as insurance against the BSA blitzkrieg).  The good news is that I've been using firefox before under windows so its quite easy for them to make the adjustments.  As for chat, I have installed gyach enhanced which has the capability to use webcams along with that multiple windows "yahoo messenger" look.  Even though it can view the webcam broadcast of the other party, I still couldn't configure it to use my webcam.  I would really appreciate it if we can have a discussion on this issue "using webcams in linux".  It would also be good touching on the matter of "playing windows online games under linux" since majority of our cafe customers are online game players.
> Like any other small internet cafe owners I've suffered sleepless nights on the prospect of being raided and having my computers confiscated.  It would really be good to have an answer to our dillema and I sincerely believe that Ubuntu is the one.
> Best regards to all and hope to hear your advises and comments soon.
> Business Analyst 
> Plant System Management Division 
> Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company 
> 5/F Makati General Offices Building 
> Legaspi cor. Dela Rosa Street 
> Makati City, Philippines 
> Tel. No. (632) - 8453296 
> Fax. No. (632) - 8672588 
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> E-Mail: rvricaforte at pldt.com.ph < mailto:rvricaforte at pldt.com.ph> 
> On 10/7/05, Chris-jo Salvatierra <chrisjo.mla2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > thanks aaron!
> >
> >  actually my customers are a bit afraid of the idea and some services i had
> > like webcam chat on yahoo is not yet offered after my ubuntu migration.
> > luckily and thankfuly they are not afraid to ask questions and are not
> > afraid of the new look of the desktop.  in fact, they are very interested to
> > learn more.
> >
> >  as i am a newbie myself, i cannot teach them more than i would like to.
> >
> >  hoping that i could meet some if not all of you in person.
> >
> >  thanks again!
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The 3 BE's: Be hopeful.  BE humble.  BE happy.
> > --
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> > ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com
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Charles C. Yao
Vice-President -Sales
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